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BeOpen Participates in the BDTI Pilot Showcase
BeOpen was proud to be part of the BDTI Pilot Showcase, hosted by the European Commission’s Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI).
BeOpen Partners meet in Thessaloniki for the General Assembly
November 27, the BeOpen consortium met in Thessaloniki, Greece to update on the progress of the use of High Value Datasets in Public Administrations.
BeOpen presented at the IFIP EGOV 2024 Conference
BeOpen shared real-world examples of how High Value Datasets can power AI-based applications, delivering improved governance and more efficient public services through smart solutions.
BeOpen integrated Framework for Public Administrations High Value Datasets
Check out how the BeOpen Framework provides a set of tools to improve data interoperability, semantics and quality for public sector High Value Datasets.
Sharing High Value Datasets: from Data Blocking to Data Unblocking
BeOpen organised two workshops in May and June 2024 in which trust questions related to data sharing have been discussed.
The EC presents BeOpen as a key project promoting the use of High Value Datasets
The EC is supporting the BeOpen project for the use of High-value datasets in the framework of the EU Open Data Directive, considering it a key project.
Aporta – The open data initiative of the government of Spain
Aporta, the open data initiative, first launched in 2009, aims towards opening public information and use as a base to develop advanced services. As a key element of the Spanish government’s open data policy its main goal is to harmonize and foster synergies between ongoing open data projects.
BeOpen’s first newsletter is out!
BeOpen has launched its first newsletter to keep you informed about the project’s progress and beyond, offering a regular digest on High Value Datasets and Open Data, starting now.
An insightful 3rd general assembly
From March 12-14th the BeOpen consortium held its 3rd general assembly in Cartagena, Spain. Pilot cities as well as project partners came together to define the next steps of the project.
Fighting heat islands in the South of Spain
Heat waves are a phenomenon recurring more and more often. See what 3 Spanish towns are working on in this area.
A “shield” against natural disasters in Attica
Densely populated areas often come with strong interventions into the natural environment, leading to a lot of damage during extreme weather.
Smart Traffic Management in Murcia
Historic, naturally grown towns and cities are particularly challenged when it comes to dealing with today’s type and amount of traffic.
What do High Value Data sets have to do with invasive species in Vilnius ?
Invasive species are a threat to domestic plants and controlling them seems impossible. In BeOpen Vilnius accepts the challenge.
Light pollution and High Value Datasets
The European Comission’s Future Brief on Light pollution is out – dive into the topic and find out what BeOpen can bring to the table in this area.
The Story Behind The Schwa Glyph in the BeOpen Branding
Did you know that the BeOpen logotype aims to represent the project’s aim using the “Schwa” glyph as a metaphor?
Be open Smart City Expo: Share your highly valuable data
Presenting BeOpen at the Smart City Expo in Barcelona was a great opportunity to connect with our audience, explaining how cities & communities are collecting data.
Promoting BeOpen on BEYOND website
Earth Observation Centre of excellence mentions BeOpen as a relevant project in which open data is used for disaster management services.
BeOpen presented at the Herne Smart City Event
The Herne Digital Days 2023 presented a perfect possibility to present the city’s BeOpen focus to an interested public.
Promoting BeOpen on Ayuntamiento de Cartagena website
Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, a BeOpen partner, introduces the project in Spanish in a publication on their website.
2nd Project General Assembly will take place in Porto
Porto Digital Association is preparing to welcome the BeOpen project partners at its premises in Porto.
BeOpen session at the Data Week in Luleå
In the context of the Data Week 2023 event, members of BeOpen presented the projects and organised a panel discussion.
Porto Digital Association introduces BeOpen on its website
Porto Digital Association, a partner of BeOpen, dedicates a section of its website to present the project.
Promoting BeOpen on Comune di Napoli website
Comune di Napoli, a BeOpen partner, introduces the project in italian in a publication on their website.
Introductory Blog on LinkedIn about BeOpen by Arthur
Blog post by Arthur’s legal, a project partner, introducing the BeIOpen objectives and outlining their role in the project.
Naples as the venue for BeOpen Kick-Off Meeting
Welcome to BeOpen EU funded project! Aimed at increasing quality & usability of High Value Datasets, making them available to EU Member States.
Public launch of BeOpen with the first Press Release
Our press release is out! The European consortium has launched BeOpen to increase availability and usage of Open High Value Datasets.