
Interested in further details?
Read through our selection of publications and reports around BeOpen
To help our audience understanding better what BeOpen is about, we have asked partners involved in piloting the High Value Dataset Framework to explain it to us in a few words.
This video features Mariana Dias from Porto Digital, Portugal. The video is in English.
This video features Christian Druck from Herne Digital, Germany. The video is in English.
This video features Francesca Pignataro from Comune di Napoli, Italy. The video is in Italian.
This video features Mariza Kaskara from the National Observatory of Athens, Greece. The video is in English.
This video features Francisco Barnés from Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura, Spain. The video is in Spanish.
Digital Assets
Project Deliverables
Deliverable 2.1 – BeOpen technical framework design
Deliverable 2.3 – BeOpen Trust Framework Report
Deliverable 3.1 – Pilot requirements and HVDs
This document analyzes 15 use cases across 8 pilot sites, identifying objectives, stakeholder needs, and expected outcomes for services based on open datasets. It emphasizes improving High Value Datasets (HVDs) using the BeOpen framework to address real-world needs and leverage open data opportunities.
Deliverable 3.2 – BeOpen Pilot services - demonstrator
This deliverable documents the implementation and validation of the BeOpen Framework across eight European pilot cities, demonstrating how High-Value Datasets (HVDs) enhance digital services for urban management, AI training, and public service improvement, with use cases tackling challenges like climate change, mobility, and disaster response.
Deliverable 4.2 – Validation report (first version)
This document validate the benefits of data-driven decision-making in public administration by monitoring and evaluating the impact of High-Value Data (HVD) on governance, efficiency, and public service improvement, using defined KPIs to ensure continuous optimization and evidence-based policy development.