Promoting BeOpen on Ayuntamiento de Cartagena website

Communicating about the project in Spanish Following the first press release announcing the project launch, Ayuntamiento de Cartagena, a project partner involved in several use cases, posted information about BeOpen on its website. Details about the European Funding...

2nd Project General Assembly will take place in Porto

Welcome to Porto With centuries of history and a past of resilience, Porto is commonly known as the “Cidade Invicta” (the “Unbeatable City”). Today it is a vibrant city and an aggregator of innovation and creativity. In Porto, we can look at the past and identify the...

BeOpen session at the Data Week in Luleå

Towards the implementation of High Value Datasets – First hands on In the context of the Data Week 2023 event in Luleå, where European Big Data and Data-Driven AI research & innovation communities meet, a session focusing on topics related to BeOpen and HVD has...
Porto Digital Association introduces BeOpen on its website

Promoting BeOpen on Comune di Napoli website

Communicating about the project in Italian Comune di Napoli, a project partner, posted a short description of BeOpen on its website for the Italian audience. Details about the European Funding Programme and the project objectives are presented.   Interested in...