Light pollution and High Value Datasets

Energy efficiency versus light pollution – the role of high value data sets (HVD)     Light pollution has been rising with the increase of urban settlements. Artificial Light at Night-time (short ALAN) does not only influence our vision of the night-time sky but...

Promoting BeOpen on BEYOND website

BeOpen presented as relevant project for disaster management   BeOpen presented as relevant project for disaster managementText: The BEYOND Centre of Excellence (Centre of Earth Observation Research & Satellite Remote Sensing) develops research and provides...

BeOpen presented at the Herne Smart City Event

BeOpen represented at the Smart City event in Herne September 21st and 22nd 2023 in Herne were dedicated to the topic of Smart City, or rather Smart People, as a necessary basis to get to the city level. Herne adopted this necessity towards being truly digital, as its...