Aporta – The open data initiative of the government of Spain

May 15, 2024News

The Aporta Initiative: Re-using public information, the case of Spain


The Aporta Initiative was launched in 2009 to promote the opening of public information and development of advanced services based on data. It is backed by the Ministry of Economy and Business, the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Civil Service and the Public Corporate Entity Red.es.

Developed under the current legislative framework, it includes seven lines of action which are reflected via datos.gob.es, the platform used as a meeting point for public administration, businesses and citizens who are part of the open data ecosystem in Spain.

The main goal of the Aporta initiative, a key element of the Spanish government’s open data policy, is to harmonize and efficiently take advantage of the synergies between ongoing open data projects. It seeks to always drive, and coordinate actions being carried out by different levels of the administration, the private sector and academic field, according to an integrating governance model. It does all of this in order to promote new products and services from the private sector and civil society to benefit society.

BeOpen aims to improve and facilitate the access to open data owned by the public sector so as to enable the creation of digital services. The project focuses on the conversion of captured data into high value datasets that comply with European regulations, which can then be used by developers of services in a reliable way. The framework of tools implemented in the project will soon be tested with pilot partners. Once validated, the high value datasets may be of interest to initiatives such as Aporta.

Aporta - The Spanish open data initiative

​Aporta, Spain’s large catalogue of open datasets

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